Dearest fellow craft pirates,
I'm happy to report that the second sock is now finished, achieving my goal of finishing the pair for Christmas (I even got some time to spare)! Unfortunately, it appears that while knitting the second sock, my stitches were significantly looser, because upon looking at the finished product, one sock is HUGE and BUTT UGLY compared to the other one. Oh well, so goes the life of a craft pirate. I'm pretty sure my brother will like them anyway.
In other crafty news, I've decided to craft all of my Christmas presents this year. This is something that I tell myself I'll do every year, and which I always fall through on (example: failed sock frenzy of last fall). BUT! This year, I'm starting early, I'm trying to plan my gifts now, and plus I already have one finished (the socks). My plans so far include a crocheted circle scarf à la
this, and a shelf for my brother like
yay crafting!