as i crossedmyheartpromised to ninnerson here is a post. i have been obsessively making these tshirt scarves for a few weeks now because they are easy, fun, and addictive. there are quite a few tutorials out there but you don't really need one. just take a tshirt preferably one without seams down the side and one that is pretty big and a beautiful color. cut off the hem and cut across the shirt from armpit to armpit. now take the big middle piece and cut it into strips (they should be long and still attached to each other, like a long circular noodle) stretch them out and tie them together. it's really the stretching that is addictive i think. so here they are. i have taken a copious number of photos of them and i am going to load them all! thank you to my very patient model rach who just laughed and didn't complain.

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