Friday, November 18, 2011

printmaking workshop & crayons

So I went to this really neat collaborative event between Baltimore Print Studios and Moveable Type ( where I got to make this print using silk screening and the letterpress in the type truck. It was really neat and free! Here's the print hanging on my wall. 

Too many exciting things at the same time: Here's the crayon wall art I made this week. Glue crayons to canvas and get out yer hairdryer. I've seen some really nice ones, mine is a little bit explosive.

close up

hanging on the art room wall

love & glue,

Monday, November 14, 2011

Paper Flowers: My First Post :)

Ahoy Maties!

Lan, here. I've finally gotten my act together to post some flowers that I've created for my new side business, Freaky Bird Stationary. As of me posting this, the website does not have content, but enjoy how awesome it looks in transition.  Freaky Bird Stationary is stationery (note the spelling difference) and other lovely little things made out of recycled vintage paper that focuses on everything romantic and charming in life.  

I made these roses by cutting out the petals and gluing them together with simple craft glue.

Check out how you can make you're own flowers by watching this video, and have a crafty, piratey day. 
<3 Lan

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

where to store yer crafts, m's birthday gifts & how to keep yer wrists real warm in the winter

put all yer crafts in an organized suitcase for travelin the high seas. balsa wood and vintage green suitcase shopped with ninnerson.

a scrapbook for mowie to put her memories from her bike and build trip (b&b) in. i filled the first few plastics with postcards she had sent me while on the trip as a record of her journey.

home-made shampoo & conditioner boxed set with recipes

sweater sleeves to wrist warmers with sweater hearts sewed on for good measure.

i'm modeling

Friday, November 4, 2011

hearts on strings (inspired by nina) & (crafted by kat)

the bathroom in our new house has a big glass door so..

 here are some hearts that attempt to preserve your dignity while doing your business.
 nina's heart chains made me want to sew hearts so i cut these up and sewed them together as soon as i got back from her farm house abode. if you have really good eye sight you can learn about science on that last heart.
also you can hide behind them!