Saturday, March 16, 2013

craftpirate sleepover and vision boards!

Two of our very own craft pirates are posting from a very special sleepover party! And as no sleepover is complete without a craft project, we decided to make vision boards.

here are our cute faces:

and our boards, with our goals and dreams for the coming year:

love and crafty crafts from baltimore!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tiny ice cream and tiny bunting!

Baltimoreans host an awesome annual event called Small Foods, where participants make tiny versions of foods. This year's entries included tiny bagels (complete with tiny lox, tomatoes and chives), tiny chicken 'n' waffles, tiny chocolate truffles and...

tiny ice cream cones with homemade chocolate ice cream, made by some of onecraftybandit's crafty housemates:

I helped out, mostly by making an equally cute bunting to advertise our deliciously tiny wares (now decorating my room):

crafty love,