Sunday, February 3, 2013

superbowl t-shirt scarf

Happy winter, fellow crafters! As you may know, today is the national day of eating chicken wings and drinking beer and making a lot of noise over a football game the Superbowl! As my adopted city of Baltimore's Ravens are playing and the entire city has been going crazy with purple pride, I thought I should come up with something to wear today to display my Bmore pride when I watch the game.

Inspired by onecraftybandit and all those cute t-shirt scarves I've been seeing all over Pinterest, I decided to make one myself. I found a rather ugly (but sufficiently purple) Winnie the Pooh t-shirt at a thrift shop and turned it into this:

I had a minor snafu when I found out you're not supposed to cut on the seams of the t-shirt, but my trusty glue gun saved the day and I don't think you can even tell I screwed up, right?

well, go Ravens! and catch you next time, pirates.